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Residents in the Fayetteville Manlius (FM) School District can call 315-682-3688 to discuss eligibility in confidence. Approved clients may pick food up once a month and receive 15 meals for each person in their household over the age of 1.
What to bring:
1. Proof of address for each adult in the household such as:
Current monthly bill
Pay stub
Other mail with name and address for each adult in the household
(Please note - Driver's license not accepted)
Eligiblity Income Guidelines for the pantry are found here. Guidelines are updated annually.
Tuesday and Wednesday
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
We are not open
on the fifth Tuesday or fifth Wednesday of a month.
IF YOU NEED clothing:
If anyone in your family needs clothing, stop by Grace Abounds Wear-House at the
First Baptist Church at 408 Pleasant Street in the Village of Manlius. Grace Abounds provides new and gently used clothing at no charge to FM community members needing a "hand up." Grace Abounds is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1 – 6pm and has a huge selection of clothing sizes from Baby to Adult.
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